The YOU in EPU
Because of the support of people like YOU, EPU is able to engage families, cultivate hope, & build confidence. Thank you!
The Need
EPU’s vision is that families are the safe place for children with unique needs to find love, belonging, guidance, and support. Many of the families we serve have complex needs that span across our multiple programs. Donations are needed to ensure these families’ needs are met and together we can fulfill this vision.
In our 2021-2022 Fiscal Year we provided 35,797 services to 3,162 children and families. $0.86 of every dollar goes towards those families and services.
Most of the services and support provided by EPU is free to the families; a few of our programs are need-based and have small fees associated. We are committed to meeting families where they are, providing early intervention and supportive services that cultivate hope and resilience. Consider making a donation today.
Thank you for your support. We are grateful to corporate, foundation, and individual donors who help us better the lives and futures for children every year.
“With our grandson, every step forward is a great achievement. He was born premature and defined as medically fragile. To see him now crawling, standing, and beginning to talk is extraordinary and already more than we could have imagined. He needed us as much as we needed him. EPU supports us in so many big and little ways. We can’t change the past but we will do everything we can to change his future.” – Anonymous EPU Client
Ways to Give
Become an EPU Ambassador
We constantly rely on the referrals of our friends and supporters to engage with those in our community who may want to become a donor. If you know someone who may be interested in our program, we would love to get in touch with them. Click here to contact us with their information.
Other Ways to Give
Exceptional Parents Unlimited does accept gifts of stocks, securities, and IRAs, as well as many other forms of donations.
If you are interested in other forms of donation or have any questions please contact Amanda Tripp, EPU’s Director of Development, at 559-229-2000 x 1360 or atripp@epuchildren.org
Donate by US Mail: Please send checks to Exceptional Parents Unlimited, Attn: Amanda Tripp 4440 N First St. Fresno, CA, 93726.