- Home Visits
- Community Outings/Community Connections (parks, libraries, local children’s museum, zoo, etc.)
- Playdates (promote social play with peers)
- Parenting Education (support parent to parent connections)
- Access to special projects, such as “Tot Talk” – a short-term language intervention program for toddlers with mild to moderate language delays
- Transition assistance from Early Intervention to Special Education
- Occupational therapy consultations, evaluation and therapeutic strategies
- Physical Therapy consultations, evalutation and therapeutic strategies
- Speech and Language consultations and therapeutic strategies
Is there a cost?
There is no direct cost to families or children; however, families are required to maintain active and regular participation in the program to ensure children are fully benefiting from EPIC services. Children must be referred by the Central Valley Regional Center, which funds EPU to provide early intervention services.
What will be expected from me and my family to enroll in this program?
As your child’s first and most important teacher, your active participation and parent voice is critical in helping your child learn and develop new skills. During the home visits, at least one of the parents or caregivers is expected to be present during each session with child who is enrolled in the early intervention services. You will learn effective strategies to support and enhance your child’s development. In between home visits, you will continue to practice the new skills during everyday routines and activities. When questions come up, you will share your concerns, needs and interests with your Early Childhood Specialist so that two of you can continue refining the approaches for helping your child learn and develop healthy. Child will graduate once he/she turns 3 years old.
Do you provide services to rural areas?
EPIC primarily serves families throughout the Fresno, Clovis, and Merced communities.
I think my child might qualify. Who do I call?
If you suspect your child might have a delay or disability, please call the Central Valley Regional Center (CVRC) at (559) 276-4300. If you are found eligible you may choose EPIC as the program to receive your early intervention services for your child. We will be honored to be on that journey with you.